30 May 2013

I decided to pay it forward...

Today about 420pm, I was too reckless to order my Subway without checking my wallet before finishing the sandwich order.
I went:"SHIT, DAMN IT!" right in front of the male cashier, cause I only had RM 7 bux in my wallet, and the sum was RM 8.70. Tried to flip my wallet up and down, not even a coin fell. O.0

I stare at him and said: "Bang, can you pay for me first pls? I only had 7 bux! I will pay you back tomorrow! I study here, I remember you face! (=,=)" 

Then he gave me a reluctant OK, he didn't smile at all. You can tell how awkward was this for me~ :(

Next, I heard:"HEY DUDE!" I turned back, and saw this pretty girl wearing black top talking to me.
She: "How much more you need?",  
Me: "err... 2 bux! err, one seventy actually...",
She: "Come, I have, I pay for you..." (something like that...) *AWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~*
While she's taking her money out of her purse, she still saying:"You can forget it, really! :)"
T_T, you're so nice!

Then I asked her which department she's from, errr... How could I not remember! AGHH~~ It's either ADP or A-Levels!

As usual, I spammed Thank You like a retarded child and couldn't show the gratefulness I feel inside, 
but I swear I was! I took her money, and went to the cashier! I was late for class, and so I rushed to class.

Just a nice story today to share today. 
Nice people still exist! :D


The reason I posted this to HUCP, #1910 is because it has wider reach than my network so that the message can get to the person. I didn't intend to be anon. :)

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