05 December 2012

The Samsung AppStar!

You have beaten 12 finalist and became "the one"; with your wit and your creativity on formulating ideas to develope new app! Can tell that it's really a challenging task, and you guys nailed it. *applause*

GYNOID! Congratulations to the winner of 2012 Samsung AppStar!

Well, there goes the RM 24, 000 scholarship and Samsung S III to GYNOID. Haha.
Good job Good Job.
Be honest, I wanted to participate in this challenge but didn't put enough effort to even start it. <<< typical procrastinator. >.< tsk x3

It was in The Bee, Publika. And the food, I TELLL YOUUUU... It was really super mouth-watering and exquisite! (Oh damn! I forgot to take photos of the food. Agh...)

Credit to my friend, Athena who was willing to send me to Publika from HELP. I couldn't have made it without her help. THanks! :)

Jessica and Jun Quan! :)

The first presenter of the day. :)

I sang along with Su and her Boys!

Food, yes food! You may have me.

Hello CC, gothca! XD

Look at the crowd yo, look at the crowd! The Appstars do have lotsa fans don't they?!
Hey yo whatsup fells up there~ How's the air?

This act was performed by No Noise Percussion, their performance was extraordinary. Too bad didn't make it to video down though. Memory card prob...:(

Oh yes, they were both the opening and closing performers! That's how good they are.

Now's the happy ending part. :)

Hello Mei Sze. ^.^

The MC of da night, Mei Sze was congratulating them!


Common awesome people(and judges), stand in a line, aaaanddd, SMILE~! *chak*

That was my day I guess, will update when I thought of something to add on. 
Thanks for readin. :)

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