30 January 2014

Stand up!

(Back on 14th Oct 2013)
Today, someone came late to the class, as my lecturer enforce the system of locking the class door if you're 10 minutes later than the class time, by right, the late comer should be locked outside of the class.
However, today my lecturer forgot to lock the door. So he was stern that the late comer must not come in, and they actually contested for a fine 5 minutes.
After that, my lecturer still not agree that he should come in, so he turned to the class and asked, "Who thinks that he should not be in this class? Raise your hand." He expected a full-class hand raise.
As Asian as we are, no one did.
He was shocked cause we remained silence, because we were afraid to be the first one to play the bad guy.
My lecturer looked disappointed and yeap. He came in.

Why didn't I take a stand?
I was afraid to be the first of worsening the relationship.
Little did I know that they'll, no doubt, show no mercy when they get a chance to point their finger at you.
Remaining silent when we see something means you're favoring the side that's against your interest.
They'll probably dust you off (with/without thanking you, doesn't it make a difference) after your sacrifice.
It's also about the message about you sending to the future generation.
You're not wrong of pointing out someone's wrong, you're wrong if you're afraid of being the one who take charge of it.

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