01 September 2024



So glad that someone of his status in the canto lyrics world, he is so open to so many long interviews and workshops. 



Eason 张学友 好强

古巨基 蛮好 

25 January 2024

留 - 余佩真 Jen Jen 自弹和弦

欢迎留言准确 chords。
留 - 余佩真 Jen Jen
4G 3Bm 1C
有吗 昨夜你是否有一眠好梦
4G 3Bm 1C
有吗 梦里你是否还喋喋不休
2Am 2D
4Bm 4Am 4D7
但日子斑斑驳驳 折进你皮肤的皱

3G 1Bm
3C 1D7 3G 1G7
像是种无言的指控 即便他相对温柔
3C 1D7 3G 1Bm
但我们依旧沉默 试图用行动来为彼此的人生修容
4G 4Am
只要你留 我知道那只为我

21 May 2022


C                                      F
Getaran (ji)wa, melanda ha(ti)ku
Tersusun (na)da
Irama dan (la)gu
   G7                 F                  Em7                 G
Wa(lau) hanya se(der)hana, teta(pi) tak menga(pa)
  Bm7                        Dm7
Mo(ga) dapat mem(bang)kitkan
            A7               G      A
Sedar(lah) kamu (wa)hai in(san)

Tak mungkin (hi)lang
Irama dan (la)gu
                   G7                                    A7
Bagaikan (kum)bang sentiasa ber(ma)du
       F            Gm
An(dai) dipi(sah)
  Em           A7
La(gu) dan ira(ma)
                             F              C
Lemah tiada ber(ji)wa... ham(pa


Fun fact: If my chords are right, I think the "Sedarlah kamu wahai insan" is brilliantly wrote and sung, the second A is 1 octave lower than the first, but they're both As.

I can't find a right version for me, so I played by ear and jotted this, just play guitar casually for a about 3 years. Hope you find it works for you too! Comment if you find a better/more accurate chord(s).

 Cheers to legend P. Ramlee.

24 April 2015


又听一害人传销。很多国家都一样,很多无良传销抹黑了正当的传销。不是不能做,是要会看公司的运作。大家可能已经听过买油田,电子货币,旅行配套,教育配套,各种不同(有夸张的)健康产品和投资计划等的传销。销售员不用“金字塔”来形容赚钱模式(因为金字塔模式在很多国家是非法的),我听过用树枝,用Matrix,用坦克 车与轮子都有。。。最后我拿起他解释给我的那张纸,拉远一点看,心想“这明明就是金字塔的形状。” 过后就是买配套入会。在加入之前,要问问自己,你对这行知道多少?你对公司的运作了不了解?

1) 看你主要财源,你是主要赚产品/服务,还是卖会员费?

2) 若是会员费,你得想象假如你没有得卖会员了,你的产品或服务还有没有人买?

3) 若有,这个传销可以试做。因为就算没人入会,你(有可)能从卖产品上赚钱。产品的销售量决定你工作的可靠与长久性。若没有,这就成了典型的金字塔模式;时间一长,必不攻自破。

4) 上述第3点是一个盲区。就是任何产品/服务都有潜质变成热门货,但潜质高不高是个人判断。人是会判断错误的,例如你以为A股票会涨,所以大数买进,谁知每两个月就破产了。传销员要你买,当让是说到稳赚包赢。你不能全怪他,因为他也是被他的传销员(上线)如法炮制地说服了,所以你现在需要 检讨你的产品的可买性。

5)低(甚至无)风险/高回筹的投资,想都别想。假如有这种投资,正当企业会找银行和大财团,这些财团有专业投资顾问,包赚的就不会留给你。有些令人怀疑 的传销公司会说,他们不找银行是因为银行是因为要等到银行批准贷款需要很久,所以用你们直接投资比较快。这里就是我方才说的,“你对公司的运作了不了 解”。你知不知道要用我们这些人的钱来给公司投资,手续有时会比跟银行贷款更久;在这种情况之下,你不就受骗了吧? 还是踏踏实实做工去吧~




30 January 2014

Rujen 21st!

Oh my god, had a blast for her birthday! Rujen, Shannie, Andrea, Valerie, Iven, Julian, and me dined in Italiannies in The Gardens, and their Chicken Milanese was alright, though too small portion to fit my almost-bottomless appetite.

Happy 21st birthday and STAY CUTE Rujie! :D

After 1 hour of spontaneous walk and talks deciding where to go after the meal. We went all the way up to Genting Highland. xD

Left Rujie's place at 2am, arrived at 3am. On the way up was really dangerous and hazy, we drove real slow. (Julian, and Valerie's bf namely Iven)

Here's what happened after we finished our meal in Starbucks, I had this thought and sensation that everyone has become just a skin deep, people are like paperboard and very hollow.

So unreal, then I could see myself in a third person POV.

Questions start popping into my head: Who am I? Who are they? What do they mean? Then I started walking around, try to touch and feel my fellow friends' existence and to feel that they are really there. Then I felt that THEY do feel unreal! I tried to hug people so that I can feel their warmth so that I can feel what I used to feel normally, something real. Guess what...

It helped. It felt a little more real and I can feel some warmth more than just a hollow paperboard.

Not to mention, I didn't feel like I was standing on a slope, I felt I was pretty well balanced on a flat ground. The slanted floor felt flat.

Afterwards, I have no idea what time is it, but we were called to go back to car and headed back to KL. And there went our night. 



Julian is bald! He calls me Ah Tan, I hated it. I call him Botal Jul!

Saw a white old car beside ours in a mall, its exhaust pipe was stuck with tissues, the car also has posters n flyers everywhere. (on windscreen)
Sungai Wang became a place of crime, the posters and flyers are also everywhere, blocking the stairs upward, it says "打击犯罪".
After this, I went down. I saw lala uncles everywhere. Some1 talked to us, they banged me very lightly, then i lost all of them, and my wallet and phone within seconds.
I couldnt call huang, gz, fung. I went 1 floor down cuz i saw a stairs nearby, thinking they might went down. Den I saw a japanese couple, wanted to pinjam phone to call, but they ignored me. After third, i met them back, gz realises he lost all his stuff, like me. then we decided quickly go back to car park. When we turn, we saw 1 gang of 3 aiming us as prey, we turn away quickly. Saw a student tat look like Dickson. We went there to ask for help, he kept on saying: ‘不要过来!走开!走开!" So fearful. Then we kept going down with escalators, until a sales court, then I whispered to huang:"搭Lift back to 8th floor cuz the car parked at 8th floor.

Wake up.


Lightning stroke me and stroke very frequently on a beach. I survive.
Then I got into relationship with a girl who wore hot red dress on a lagoon. I could tell that she's opened minded, and she was lying quietly on a baach bench.

When the tide rose, the lagoon sinks. Then we're stuck there.

*Puff* Good morning.

Stand up!

(Back on 14th Oct 2013)
Today, someone came late to the class, as my lecturer enforce the system of locking the class door if you're 10 minutes later than the class time, by right, the late comer should be locked outside of the class.
However, today my lecturer forgot to lock the door. So he was stern that the late comer must not come in, and they actually contested for a fine 5 minutes.
After that, my lecturer still not agree that he should come in, so he turned to the class and asked, "Who thinks that he should not be in this class? Raise your hand." He expected a full-class hand raise.
As Asian as we are, no one did.
He was shocked cause we remained silence, because we were afraid to be the first one to play the bad guy.
My lecturer looked disappointed and yeap. He came in.

Why didn't I take a stand?
I was afraid to be the first of worsening the relationship.
Little did I know that they'll, no doubt, show no mercy when they get a chance to point their finger at you.
Remaining silent when we see something means you're favoring the side that's against your interest.
They'll probably dust you off (with/without thanking you, doesn't it make a difference) after your sacrifice.
It's also about the message about you sending to the future generation.
You're not wrong of pointing out someone's wrong, you're wrong if you're afraid of being the one who take charge of it.

01 November 2013

Loooooooong day, but satisfying!


Last week, I attended an event by TrendMicro. It's a product launch of their 2014, latest computer security suite! This time is kinda special cause I had to share my online experience to the journalists and blog writers up front under the limelight. Was a bit nervous but I think/hope I did well and they did learn something from me? xD

It's really something new for me and being able to speak to the media is something I never thought of. Although it wasn't like a super grand, million people media event, but I guess everyone starts from somewhere? Hehe!

Heh hey hey~! 
(Blurred lines tune, idk why, but I have been stuck with this tune since few days ago. I just automatically smile while singing it when I'm trying to say, "You don't say." lol)

BTW These two products were the highlights of that day. I understood a lot more about the online security threats that's flying around the cyberspace! It was exciting to meet my "papa" and "mama" again (Naz and Sheahnee), probably for the last time? I don't know. But you know, life goes on. :( I mean they are such fun people to mingle with. Hope ya both doin well.

Oh yes, some pictures that we took that day.

From left :Terrence Tang Senior Director of Consumer Business, APAC Center Sales and Marketing, Trend Micro, Cedric Lim, Consumer Sales Manager, Trend Micro(Malaysia), Andrew Tan, Product Marketing Manager (Consumer), Southeast Asia, Trend Micro, and Lisa Chong, Marketing Manager of Consumer Business, Trend Micro (Malaysia).

PS: Pretty people everywhere. You know what I mean... ^.^

*Drum roll*
Ta da!!! Here I am in line with my TrendFamily!


Thank you Abigail for coming to support me for the launch! I really appreciated it! :)

 And yeap, after the launch, me, Ruxyn, and Abigail went to have fun in Mid Valley's laser tag with the journalists and bloggers! Got no. 2 in the end of the game! Then, had some awesome western food (FRIES! FRIES! FRIES!) after the game in the conference room too!

Finally, I went to meet up with pals around 6pm and watched the very first horror movie of my life. 
Insidious 2! Screams and screeches as expected from my pals, everyone of them was just so funny. All of them wore hoodie and used to to cover their eyes when anticipating next scary scene. LMAO!

Adrian: "Don't go there you dumb, no, turn away now! Gosh! Behind you!" HAHAH
Andrea and Fion: "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" all the way. We all seem to got used to it besides Kim.

Not to mention, there was this dude in the cinema who suddenly had few loud coughs and fell on the ground. I guessed it must be some sort of body condition and Julian thought he was possessed, I was like werd. So, I went there and tried to help but he got up slowly and looked steady je~

Lastly, went home with parents cause they were shopping there.

Alright, it's been so long since I last blogged, Hope ya'll had a good time while I was away.
It's 1 + am now and I shall go to sleep, or write lyrics.
Tee hee! Good night peeps!

13 September 2013

Let's move on

Need some time to adjust my sight to be comfortable with smaller screen.

Car got broken into at Sri Hartamas when I was having a shisha session in Geo's, laptops all gone.


1) It never screw me up from all assignments, perform well for gaming, of course, lots of priceless and precious life-time memory related information are gone. That signifies a start where I should never stop striding.

2) And utilize cloud storage for assignments, work, and important documents too.

3) In the end of the day, only you are responsible to take good care of yourself.

4) Learn to forgive and forget.

Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think. - Dale Carnegie

19 June 2013

Some shots I took during Powerstations concert.

(I was never a good photographer =.=)

What was interesting was, my brother didn't look like that kind of people that would scream in concert. And he did! LOL! I was so happy and jumped around during the concert, but the space was really constrained and I was surrounded by older crowd who were more steady during the concert!


Me and my bro were sitting at the back while my sister got a better ticket and sat in front.

Quality of the concert wise was SPLENDID! (as usual lo! Come on man, it's Powerstation!)